
What is Django Spellbook?

Django Spellbook is a Library of helpful tools, functions, and commands that are designed to feel like they're part of Django, with a touch of magic added to your project. It includes components that make handling tasks like markdown parsing more powerful and flexible than standard Django utilities.

It's a collection of tools that I've found useful in my projects, and I hope that you will too.


Install the package with pip:
pip install django-spellbook

Then, add django_spellbook to your Django app's INSTALLED_APPS in

    'my_app', # another app is required to use as the SPELLBOOK_CONTENT_APP

For more settings, check out the settings documentation.

Features of Django Spellbook

Django Spellbook includes a number of features, within different modules that can be used in your Django projects.


Spellbook's custom Markdown Renderer will automatically build the templates, views, urls, and much more with just one terminal command. It offers extended syntax for creating interactive elements with much more control over the HTML output, including custom elements, blocks, and more.

All you need to get started is a folder of markdown files, a Django app, and a few settings.


Spellbook's markdown module aims to be as simple as possible, while still providing a lot of flexibility and control. It's designed to be used alongside other Django features and third-party libraries like HTMX and Tailwind CSS.

Learn More about Spellbook's Markdown Module


Spellbook's built-in styles can be loaded with the template tag % spellbook_styles %. This includes several utility classes for common styling needs, such as '.sb-p-1' or '.sb-flex-col' and '.sb-justify-center'. There are also several built-in component classes such as '.sb-card', 'sb-card-body', 'sb-alert', and '.sb-alert-info'.

These styles were originally made just for the Markdown module's built-in blocks. I'm including them in this documentation for reference, so users don't have to redefine basic utility classes.


The styles take a similar approach to Tailwind CSS, but much more lightweight. The 'utility' classes are meant to be used alongside more semantic & verbose 'component' classes.

Learn More about Spellbook's Styles Module