
Creating Custom SpellBlocks

Let's create a custom SpellBlock that makes a collapsible section - perfect for FAQs or long documentation. We'll go through the whole process:

  1. First, create your SpellBlock class:
from django_spellbook.blocks import BasicSpellBlock
from django_spellbook.registry import SpellBlockRegistry

class CollapsibleBlock(BasicSpellBlock):
    name = 'collapsible'
    template = 'my_app/blocks/collapsible.html'

    def get_context(self):
        context = super().get_context()
        context['summary'] = self.kwargs.get('summary', 'Click to expand')
        context['open'] = self.kwargs.get('open', False)
        return context
  1. Create the template at my_app/templates/my_app/blocks/collapsible.html:

<details class="spellbook-collapsible spellbook-border spellbook-border-radius-lg spellbook-p-3 spellbook-mb-3 spellbook-bg-light "
    <summary class="spellbook-cursor-pointer spellbook-font-bold">
    <div class="spellbook-mt-3">
  1. Now you can use it in your markdown:

{~ collapsible summary="Why use SpellBlocks?" open="true" ~}
SpellBlocks make your markdown more powerful by adding:
- Custom components
- Consistent styling
- Reusable patterns

How It Works

  1. The @SpellBlockRegistry.register() decorator adds your block to the available blocks
  2. The name property sets what you'll type in markdown
  3. get_context() processes any parameters you want to pass to your template
  4. Your template uses Spellbook's built-in classes for consistent styling

Best Practices

  1. Include the % spellbook_styles % tag in your base template to use the built-in styles
  2. Use the built-in utility classes:
    - spellbook-border
    - spellbook-border-radius-lg
    - spellbook-p-3 (padding)
    - spellbook-mb-3 (margin-bottom)
    - spellbook-bg-light
    - spellbook-shadow-sm
    - spellbook-collapsible is also included, just so this documentation can go smoothly, but feel free to make your own.

  3. Allow for custom classes:

{% if kwargs.class %}{{ kwargs.class }}{% endif %}

  1. Use |safe filter for markdown content:

{{ content|safe }}


The content variable is already processed as markdown when it reaches your template!

Want to see more examples? Check out the built-in blocks source code for inspiration!